Starting From Scratch

How To Start A Business When You Don't Have Money

by Gary G. Schoeniger

"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of a man to elevate his life through conscious endeavor."

-Henry David Thoreau

The American Dream

Ten years out of High School, having been through a series of menial and unrewarding jobs, I found myself dead broke, unemployed and in debt. I had grown up in a blue-collar suburb of Cleveland, Ohio and had never been to college.

Although I often dreamt of a better life, with few skills, little direction and no money, my destiny, it seemed, had already been determined. My vision of a better life began to fade.

Not knowing what else to do, I decided to forge ahead. I began going door-to-door with a borrowed ladder strapped to the roof of my car, offering to clean gutters and do other small home repairs.

Somewhere along the way, I made a remarkable discovery. I discovered that it wasn't my lack of money, higher education, or social status that was holding me back. It wasn't fate, luck, or circumstances that kept me stuck.

Without realizing it, I had accepted certain self-limiting beliefs about myself, about who I was, what I deserved, and what I was truly capable of.

It was my self-concept that was binding me to my limited life. The way in which I saw myself, who I was, what I deserve and what I thought I was capable of was limiting me.

And it was this discovery that enabled me to transform gutter cleaning into a multi-million dollar company...and a better life!

The opportunity to succeed and to prosper exists for every person, in every job, at every level, in every industry, regardless of the circumstances. Opportunities lie dormant in every situation.

Once we became willing to challenge the limits of our self-concept, we become empowered...we become empowered to leave our comfort zone, to face the challenges and to create value. We become empowered to develop our true potential.

We become empowered to create the life we imagine.

About the Author

Author, entrepreneur and motivational consultant Gary G Schoeniger provides entrepreneurial seminars, workshops and individual training programs to help others overcome self-imposed limitations, create opportunity and develop their true potential, regardless of their circumstances.

He is the author of the best selling audio program: Starting From Scratch - How to Start a Business When You Don't Have Money available through

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