7 Proven Steps To Improve Your Internet Marketing Success

by Chow Siew

Did you know that...

Even the ugliest of web sites can be profitable if the owner uses the proper follow-up.

You may have heard that 80% of all sales are made after the 5th contact. In order to be successful in email marketing, you need to convert the traffic to your web site into paying customers.

Step 1: Capture the email address of your site visitor.

Encourage them to subscribe to your ezine by offering them some incentive to do so. For instance you may offer a free report or a free ebook in exchange for their email address.

Step 2: Get a good autoresponder to enable you to follow-up with your prospects.

It's important that the autoresponder you choose will allow you to personalize the messages you send to your prospects.

You'll then need to fill your autoresponders with messages you can send to your prospects. These messages should be sent out automatically by your autoresponder at a time interval of your choice.

Step 3: Do not Spam.

Don't email people who are not on your list.

Remind them by inserting a note at the top of your email that they are receiving your email because they opted-in to receive your mailing.

Keep in constant touch with them otherwise they'd forget that they'd signed-up to your mailing list. They'll then complain to your ISP and accuse you of spamming.

Spam check your messages before you send them out or they'd end up in the "junk mail folder". You can check your messages or ezine contents for "spamminess" without incurring any costs by clicking the link below:


Step 4: Start your own ezine and stay in touch with your subscribers.

You need to decide on the frequency of your publication, contents, format and layout.

It's also important to have a plan for promoting your ezine and how to integrate your special offers into it.

Step 5: Sharpen up your Unique Selling Proposition (USP).

Provide a top quality product/service to differentiate you from your competitors. Give your customers a reason to buy from you instead of from them.

A integral part of building a successful online business is matching offerings directly to the needs of your visitors. The better your products or services address the needs of your visitors, the more successful you'll be.

Keep your customers happy by over-delivering your side of the bargain.

Step 6: Provide a good customer/after sales service.

There should be proper procedures for handling feedbacks and complaints.

Check your emails frequently and reply to your customers' queries and concerns promptly.

Step 7: Build strong, trusting relationships.

A large part of building any online business involves establishing a rapport with visitors. Build strong, trusting relationships with your customers based on Honesty and Integrity.

It doesn't pay to over-hype on the quality of your product/service. Always honor your agreement and guarantee.

As your visitor becomes accustomed to hearing from you, the "barriers" to completing that first purchase come down.

Follow the 7 proven steps listed above and you'll achieve greater success in your email marketing business.

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About the Author

Chow Siew is the Webmaster of http://www.eProdsite.com eProdsite.com sells the hottest eproducts on the Net. Subscribe to eProdsite Newsletter and receive a 12 Volume eMarketing Success Library. http://www.eprodsite.com/subscribe.html

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