Exercising for A Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy and Exercising

by John Thackeray

When you are pregnant, you will want to keep your body in the best shape possible. The many benefits of exercise during pregnancy are indisputable, but as with all physical influences on the body whilst pregnant, it should only be done under your doctor's supervision. There are many good, healthy and safe exercise routines out there for pregnant woman. Talking to your medical practitioner about your body's limits and your level of fitness is very important; as he will be able to help you assess what sort of routine will be safe for you and your expectant baby.

There are many different conditions during pregnancy. Some women may suffer from high blood pressure, edema and even pregnancy diabetes. If you have one of these conditions, it is extremely important to tailor an exercise routine to your body's limits. If not, there are many exercise routines available in good pregnancy books and on the internet.

There are many positive things to say about exercise during pregnancy. One of the biggest bonuses is the fact that being fit will assist you in having an easier labor and delivery. Your recovery from the birth will also be a lot quicker, and you will be pleased with the results it will have in your weight loss. If you are fit, your metabolism will work faster and you will return to your original shape more rapidly. Exercising will also help reduce your levels of fatigue. When you work your muscles, you oxygenate them, and thus give yourself more energy. The condition of your muscles will improve, and you will be able to continue the duties of your day without getting tired as a lot of pregnant women do.

A common complaint that pregnant woman have is lower backache. The weight and size of the growing abdomen strains the lower back. The ligaments in the back also soften during pregnancy, only serving to aggravate this condition. Exercises that improve your posture will strengthen your back, thus alleviating any lower back ache.

You may be wondering what exercises are baby bump friendly, and which ones are safe. The important thing to keep in mind is that all exercise should be done in moderation, and you must always listen to your body. If you feel too tired or are taking too much strain, then you should rest. Never push yourself more than you feel you can handle. You have your growing baby to think about!

There are a range of pregnancy exercise, and exercise classes. Walking is always a good exercise to do when you are pregnant, but you should always have a walking partner. There are even different forms of pregnancy yoga, but as with any exercise class, ensure that the teacher is qualified to practice for pregnancy. Swimming is beautiful for pregnant women, because of it is not only excellent exercise, but it will also cool you down. Many women enjoy the feeling of weightlessness in the water. Avoid overly strenuous exercise, or any form of exercise that can be dangerous if something untoward were to happen.

About the Author

For more reviews on health tips and weight loss visit http://www.healthtips.co.za

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