Last Minute Resistance (LMR)

by Mysterymethod

LMR is the second of the Seduction phases (the first is arousal, the last is the sexual act itself). LMR occurs whenever a woman resists physical escalation in the Seduction phase. So here are couple of quick tips.

1.When she says "we shouldn't be doing this" agree with her. Respond with "Yes we shouldn't be doing this . . . and we definitely shouldn't be doing THIS . . . you are so bad" changes the frame from 1) her resisting you to 2) you two sharing a conspiracy over doing something you shouldn't be doing to 3) her seducing you by being bad. Again, remember that no means no.

2.You don't have to let a woman choose the level of physical intimacy you two will have. You can't insist on sex if she isn't willing, but you don't have to accept her chosen substitute. She may want to lie in bed with you and make out all night. You may want sex. Neither of you is obligated to give the other what they want. Explain to her, without ANY resentment, that lying in bed with her all night kissing will make you aroused, and that's painful for a man. Instead,turn on the lights, get out of bed, and do something boring with her like play checkers. Don't make it too fun, but appear COMPLETELY unphased by what happened and not at all put out. Make it entirely non-sexual. When she reinitiates touching and kissing, escalate it. If she says no, say "I understand" and turn all the lights back on, put the candles out, turn the music off, and play checkers again. Do this all without any trace of frustration.

3.Every guy knows this, but when you remove a woman's skirt or pants, take her underwear off at the same time in the same motion (i.e., grab both). If you leave her underwear on, taking it off later is a major state break.

4.Play the resister sometimes. Be the first one to say "we shouldn't be doing this" even while you escalate.

5.Take your time. Act like you've been here before. Don't rush to put it in her. Don't get nervous you're going to lose the girl. Have fun. Don't be too seriou


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Mystery method

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