Beat Candida with Virgin Coconut Oil

Virgin Coconut Oil can be used to beat Candida albicans yeast (or fungus)

by Roger Bert

Beat Candida with Virgin Cocout Oil

Candida albicans is yeast (or fungus) that normally inhabits our digestive system. Normally, the population of candida is in healthy balance with other intestinal flora. However, sometimes its population explodes whereas of various factors such as an improper diet, bursts of intense stress or ongoing low-grade stress that isnt managed effectively combined with poor sleep/exercise routines or antibiotics or oral contraceptivesany dietary or lifestyle imbalances that compromise natural immunity can result in the yeast bacteria getting out of control and escaping the bounds of its normal abodes to other parts of the body. A high-sugar diet encourages the overgrowth of the candida organisms. Candida (yeast) overgrowth has unfortunately become a common problem.

Symptoms may be caused by Candida? Do you experience fatigue? Are bothered by persistent or recurrent symptoms involving your digestive and nervous systems. Does your long struggle for fitness cause you depression? Do you have a white coating on your tongue or inside your mouth? Do you feel 20 to 30 years older than you really are?

Help Heal CANDIDA; Lauric acid in virgin coconut oil appears to kill lipid-coated bacteria but does not appear to harm "friendly" intestinal bacteria. Sweet, heavy, cold foods overtax an already weakened digestive system and create mote internal toxins. Avoid sweet, heavy, cold foods. Sugars create an environment that facilitates the growth of yeast bacteria. Besides caprylic acid, two other medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil have been found to kill Candida albicans.

Candida and other fungal ailments, as well as psoriasis, can be greatly alleviated by applying coconut oil externally as well as internally. The medium-chain saturated fatty acids in coconut oil are potent antimicrobial agents, useful against fungi, viruses and many bacteria. The most able fatty acids are caprylic acid (with 8 carbon atoms), capric acid (10 carbon atoms) and lauric acid (12 carbon). They appear to work by causing microbial cell walls to disintegrate.

More information available in The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil by Dr. Bruce Fife, ND. This book can be purchased from

Great for your skin, one of the best anti-Candida foods and highly recommended for weight loss, coconut oil is another miracle of nature.

About the Author

<p>Roger Bert</p> <p>Owner of Coconut Oil UK - No1 Supplier of Organic Coconut Oil in the UK</p>

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