Promotional Pen: A Pen by any other Name

by Cindy Carrera

Have you ever been among a gathering of people exchanging contact details? Notice the rush for that good old-fashioned instrument, the pen. See the woman upturn her purse searching for one and the edgy expressions on the faces of the people with her. Look at their eyes light up when she finally pulls it out. The relief is clear; information can now be taken down for use at a later stage. The pen makes it feasible. In a second the tenuous liaison between man and pen is revitalized.

Now imagine that pen, the one getting all the interest, having your logo on it. Imagine your logo sharing the spotlight and all the positive associations that go with this rediscovery of the classic writing apparatus. The promotional pen has made the impossible possible and your company name is on it.

Now a pen by any other name is still a pen but the logo, the logo you have skillfully chosen to have imprinted on your promotional pen, now that's what will be remembered. Remember to keep a bunch with you at all times; they're more effective than business cards. People don't use business cards for the daily business of putting something down on paper. Promotional pens don't just sit there waiting to be noticed, they do something that nothing else can do.

Once you have resolved that you definitely want to invest in this highly reputable method of promotion, your next challenge will be to come across the exact promotional pen that deserves your credentials. There are thousands of them out there and they come in many special styles, colors and prices.

Sit for a moment and ponder. Do you want your promotional pen out there, heedlessly participating in everyday life, humble but kind of proud, or do you see it languishing around in luxurious boardrooms and book-lined personal libraries?

All of this depends on your own specific market. Who are these people, where do they hang out and what do they think is important? You want the pen that you choose to promote your product, to be in line with them, to go where they go and to look adequate for every circumstance.

Envisage the people you want to use your promotional pen. Do you see them with something sleek, a clip or grip pen, a jumbo or unique pen. Trust me, with the assortment available, you can zone right in on the pen of their dreams. This means they will not misplace it and the relationship will spread out into a very particular brand loyalty.

Then consider the color of the ink. Not elementary, my dear Watson. The fact is blue pens are most normal, black ones are used for a lot of official paperwork and red ones, well, they're extroverts that are akin to make a statement.

Anything that bears your name should be worthy of the task. Every little aspect of your promotional pen can be used to spell out the principles your company represents.

About the Author

Cindy Carrera is a freelance author for who's written a number of original articles including: Her articles offer fresh ideas and creative alternatives for the out-of-the-box marketer.

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