Advancing In The Nursing Field

by Heather Irwin

There's more demand than before for nurses around the US as the largest population of Americans begins to hit its geriatric years. The baby boom generation is hitting their 60s and 70s, and nurses of all kinds are essential to satisfy the needs of nursing homes, hospitals and doctor's offices. As the money is there for all those nurses who get their RN degree, additionally there are many openings in the industry for other positions with more and less education.

Whether you would like to get more education by taking a nursing home administration course, or would like to get by with less education and go for a nursing assistants position, you will find something in the nursing field for every level of education. Nursing homes especially are experiencing waiting lists for patients to move in along with the need for nurses, nurse assistants and administrators. Those candidates with more education will certainly stand out among the crowd and bring in the top positions.

The nursing field is prosperous and more candidates than before are clamoring for the positions, especially those positions that pay the most. In the nursing field, advancement are available in the administrator positions and a number of nurses find themselves taking a nursing home administrator course to give them a leg up on the competition. This is not the only area that offers them the edge. The rewards is often rather lucrative if a health field employee is willing to re-locate. Areas that meet the needs of the elderly population offer the most potential with states like Arizona, Florida and New Mexico offering the most positions. Going to where the most opportunities exist is the most certain way to a higher paying job while you sit in the sit of your choice and wait for a job to come available.

Taking business courses like accounting and marketing also give the nursing professional a good edge in employment opportunities. While managing a nursing home, the administrator is usually called to wear various hats and having a background in business courses is a big help. Take note that nursing home nursing and administration may differ depending on the size and location of the particular home. A nursing home that is run in a beach city may be far different than one run in the middle of a large metropolitan city. Also, you prepare yourself to step into the role of administrator by being informed about the types of homes in the area by having experience as a nurse in the numerous types of cities.

The shortage of nurses is not a matter of speculation. If anything, it's a hard fact that is only going to get worse over the next decade. The American Association of College Nurses has done than their share of studies. A recent demographic study they commissioned found the average nursing professional is 43 years old. Even more problematic is under 10% of all the nurses out there are under 30. The Association projects that if this trend continues, in two decades the shortage will hit a crisis situation when the current 43 year-olds start contemplating retirement. This impacts all areas, including the advanced positions where a nursing master degree is required.

Yes, there federal government and other public agencies and professional societies are doing what they can to encourage more people into the profession. They all realize that one thing that's inhibiting a lot of high school students from getting a nursing certificate or degree, or any form of higher education for that matter, is financial.

As such, it looks like those with the really deep pockets are entering the fray, the health care industries. They are usually the last people most people think of for educational assistance. Yet they are putting together some very attractive programs, for all manner of nurses - whether it's a young kid considering college to an experience pro out for her doctorate, to make them change their mind.

About the Author

Whether you go right into nursing home administration by taking a nursing home administrator course, or you advance from being a nurse by taking that extra set of courses, it's up to you, but remember, the money and advancement lies in higher positions. A nursing home administration course can often be found at local colleges or other certified schools. For more information about this topic, simply click the link.

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