Be a selective man

by Rion Williams

Most guys will just lose their own self-control and a woman can sense it, when they are in the presence of 'her majesty'.

A beautiful woman can even throw off the most stable of men if he isn't truly grounded and can see another paradigm of reality. When it comes to being a man, you should develop your own sense of selectiveness, and this also goes for your women as well. Learn to be comfortable with yourself and all of your decisions. A leader who is so confident in his decisions, few will question that authority.

I will look through photos of women and instantly disqualify them (hey, they have to prove themselves to ME), because I know I don't like the average softball type 'blonde' woman (for example). Everyone has a different sense of what they like or don't like.

Keep in mind though that even when you are near women (who are in your reality, remember) that 'do' fit your ideal 'match' of what you like, that you must not lose your cool. They are your 'equal'. Even if you aren't the greatest looking guy, yet you KNOW that you have a lot going for you (and that she would probably love you through time), let that be your basis for equality...she has perceived physical beauty and you have a lot to offer in other ways.

If you don't have a lot to offer as an interesting man yourself and you expect the hottest women, good might have to become a jerk in order to get success and I don't recommend this. Know that you have a lot to offer, yet are selective with your choices because you are a mature, developed, growing modern man.

When you see the world in your paradigm or one more universally aligned, and not the paradigm that our society sees it, you will be able to be effective and purely comfortable around your 'dream' type of woman. Be selective with her and find out if she really is interesting or has something to offer.

One exercise I do, is thumb through GQ and disqualify most of the clothing at how ridiculous I think it is (yes, GQ)...I am being very selective. I don't just settle for something just because someone else thinks that it is great. I'm 'aware' of what is 'going on'.

I make my own decisions and you should really cultivate this ability in yourself. Learn to develop a selectiveness when it comes to the things you like or might be interested in (such as fashion, cars, shoes, women, movies, celebrities, watches, etc.). Be 'on top of' subjects like these.

I can look at an entire line of fashion clothes and 'know' what I like and dislike. This has taken years to develop though. I'll go to discount stores and look for hidden 'gems' of clothing. 99% of it is garbage, but if you are keen on what interests you, you'll be able to recognize it INSTANTLY as something you might be interested in. Try and force a decision or your standpoint on something instead of not knowing where you stand. There was a little 'Book of Questions' which is great for this.

I was just on a two page spread of the latest GQ and didn't like anything I saw except a pair of John Varvatos boots that I knew I liked immediately. But some of the stuff is preposterous, $1200 for a junky looking suit jacket that I could at Goodwill? I think you know what I'm saying.

Learn to be selective and be almost 'on top of' everything that is going on socially (and if you can learn a little about fashion, at least what you like and don't like) it will naturally give you something to talk about to show a woman that you are a highly developed man.

This type of man (you) doesn't just settle for the next woman that comes along; this makes her feel special to be near you because obviously she's (lucky) to be talking to you.

Women will appreciate that you are selective and picky...they may also pick up that they won't be able to get away with too much of their usual drama and antics if they want to be around you, because you may drop them easily.

About the Author

Copyright Dreamcore Productions, Ltd. 2005. Use of article is permissible as long as you make no changes or alterations of the content and include the unedited byline.

Rion Williams offers a free newsletter subscription on how to have 'natural success with women' and dating. He is the author of the eBook 'Mens Guide to Women'.

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