5 Steps to Achieving Goals

by Olga Laguer

Step 1: DESIRE - Desire is the effort of an unexpressed possibility within us, seeking expression without through our actions- Wallace D. Wattles

You've got to dig in and honestly answer these questions. How badly do you want it? Is this truly your desire, or something imposed by the expectations of someone else? What would life be like if you don't do this? I've always wanted to do what I'm doing now, but until I had to fight to get ready for work every morning (I hated my job), it wasn't enough of a desire for me. I'd think "It's not THAT bad, at least I have a job" and the famous "It could be worse". But it was bad. It was affecting my health emotionally and physically. Are you shutting off your dreams/desires so as not to appear selfish? If so, keep things in perspective. Yes, there are people in worse situations. While your heart and prayers may go out to them - being miserably stressed is not contributing to their life at all.

Step 2: Decide - Improving your quality of life involves making quality decisions.

What are you avoiding making a decision on? Come on....fess up.

Have you wanted to go back to school? Ask for that raise or promotion you well deserve? Move on from a job you've outgrown? What? What's holding you back? Fear?

We're all born with an infinite amount of wisdom and power. However, many people are unable to access it because of a lack of courage to make a decision- then act. The universe can not supply you with what you need until you give it a directive. Take charge of your life. Make the decisions that have to be made and doors will begin to open. Events, people -even abilities will become evident that have been waiting for you to access it. All of these things become available in order to support you on your journey. Will it be easy? NO. But you must be relentless. So many people want things to be easy. To them the barriers that come are seen as a sign to retreat. If they would have just held on, they would have reaped the fruits of their labor. Be Tenacious!

Step 3: Strategize - Are you preparing for success or failure?

The questions you need to ask yourself are:

  1. How am I going to make this happen?
  2. What steps will I take?
  3. What structures do I need to setup?

tip: When setting up structures, think about what could go wrong and set up a fail-safe.


Step 4: Implementation - There is no replacement for taking action.

Do it, Do it, Do it! The bottom line is - you can read a book, listen to tapes and go to all the seminars in the world but it means nothing if you don't just do it. Being committed to yourself and taking deliberate action is the only thing that will keep you moving forward. The responsibility is yours alone. Just do it.

Step 5: Check Point - Check your progress.

If you have 6 month goals have a certain day of the month (the last Saturday of the month, 30th day, etc) to check your progress. Restrategize if necessary. Set up structures where needed. Then, just do it.


  1. Desire - What do you want?
  2. Decide - To do it no matter what!
  3. Strategy - Plan your strategy - setup structures.
  4. Implement - Focus your energy & take action.
  5. CheckPoint- Check your progress. Adjust if necessary

The Coaches Corner:

Q: I'm having a hard time setting goals. I know setting them is an important part of success, but I have too much going on now and long term goals feel overwhelming. With three children (5, 8 and 12)- A husband, demanding job, home to manage etc., I can't see or think about the future. I'm barely making it through each day. Is there any advice you could give to make the process easier? Liz J.

A: Liz, Your life sounds filled with activities, cluttered. Before ADDING more activities - Simplify. Go on a de-cluttering spree.

Environment - Make a list of the things that you no longer use/need and give it away or throw it away. Mind - Start journaling. This is the best mind de-cluttering exercise you can do journal your thoughts, wants etc. Meditating for 10 minutes per day will have a remarkable effect on your psyche and your emotions as well.

Schedule - Say NO more than you say yes to request on your time. Know that your have the right to deny requests being made one your time. What are your priorities? Have a short list of do's for each of the following areas (Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, Friends)

Enlist your family. Your husband, and even your 5 year old can have age appropriate chores like putting his/her toys away everyday.

Delegate - Don't try to be superwoman. Delegate as much as you can at work/home. Just make sure to fully explain what you want done, and let it go.

Goals - If you consider planning for 6 months manageable - then plan for 6 months. It's OK. 30, 60 or 90 days all you can handle? Go for it, then build from there. It doesn't HAVE to be 5, 10 or 20 years, Do what fits your personality. The important thing is to have order, direction and purpose in your life. A way of managing it so that you are on top of it instead of under it. So... a starting point for you might be to ask yourself "How can I have and maintain a balanced life?"

Finally - Make sure you set aside time for yourself. Do something you enjoy that makes you feel good everyday. Example: Once a week take an early morning bubble bath before waking up the kids. It's a great way to start your day.

I hope this was helpful. Email me if you have any questions.

Copyright (c) 2003 Olga M. Laguer

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About the Author

Olga M. Laguer, is a Life Development/Management Coach, Writer, and TeleClass Leader. To sign up for FREE monthly articles, and to participate in FREE , fun and interactive TeleClasses visit http://www.LaguerEnterprises.com

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