Today's Family Dentist Has the Technology to Give You a Perfect "10" Smile

by Stephen Daniels

Given the importance of a bright, healthy smile in today's world, most dentists have expanded their practices to offer a variety of cosmetic services in addition to routine care. When surveyed, it was surprising how many people are not satisfied with their smiles. In most cases, this is not due to their facial features, but to not having perfect straight white teeth. This could be due to an accident, a disease of the teeth or gums, as a result of poor dental care when they were young, crooked teeth, gaps between teeth… the reasons go on and on. The good news is that with current technology, a family dentist can now help most people achieve that perfect "10" smile that so many covet.

The number of techniques available to fix less than perfect teeth is astonishing. From whitening and overlays to veneers, dental implants and dentures, most dental practitioners even offer orthodontic procedures such as Invisalign to straighten crooked teeth. In the past, many people would not have considered some of the cosmetic offerings because of the length of time that must be spent in the dental chair, the cost, and the pain involved in some of these procedures. Nowadays, the pain is no longer a problem as most dentists are now also licensed to offer sedation dentistry, so patients are able to choose from total relaxation to being completely unconscious while work is performed. Under sedation, time is not an issue either, as patients are unaware of its passage.

A great smile isn't just for the younger generations. Seniors, too, have plenty of incentive to undertake a cosmetic procedure and improve their pearly whites. While historically damaged or infected teeth were usually extracted, that practice has taken a 180 degree turn now, and few teeth are pulled anymore, regardless of the amount of damage or disease. However, seniors with gaps in their smiles are not all that uncommon due to historical practices, so dental implants and affordable dentures are available as well. Not only does this improve the smile, but a full set of teeth, natural or otherwise, is better in terms of overall health. The good news too is that implants and dentures, because of the health benefit, may be partially or even fully covered by dental insurance and/or Medicaid.

Like dentures, caps and crowns provide both a cosmetic and a functional solution to fractured, cracked or otherwise damaged teeth. Strong, similarly colored materials are bonded to back teeth upon the biting surface, resulting in a fix that is indistinguishable from natural teeth and can last up to 30 years. Likewise, composite and porcelain veneers are used to make aesthetic improvements to front teeth. These overlays can serve a dual function, to protect damaged surfaces from further degradation or to fill gaps or artificially straighten crooked teeth. Although veneers may require a more invasive procedure when installing them, these too can sometimes be covered or partially covered by insurance, if there is a medical reason for their use.

Dental insurance typically does not cover most strictly cosmetic procedures. However, there is another option for those who would are looking for discounted rates for improving their smiles. Dental discount plans to the rescue. These plans have been around for a number of years, but there was very limited participation by dentists until recently. In general, discount plans offer far greater benefits than traditional dental insurance. In addition to offering reduced costs for annual exams and teeth cleaning, most also offer reduced costs for many cosmetic procedures. By paying an annual fee, subscribers simply select a participating dentist and choose the procedures that they desire. The dentist agrees to offer these procedures at reduced costs, including teeth whitening, veneers, Invisalign, etc. A dental discount plan often makes the most sense, especially for people with limited or zero access to dental insurance who nonetheless desire a makeover for their smile. For those seeking to improve their smiles, that "perfect 10" may still be a bit elusive for most, but improvement is available, and the options are almost limitless today.

About the Author

When searching for a dental practitioner in the Tinley Park area of Illinois, author Stephen Daniels highly recommends for their expertise in general dentistry. Specializing in cosmetic, general and sedation dentistry, they can work with you to improve your dental health and enhance your smile.

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